There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Hello! Are you ready to submit your photo to the StreetEasy Blog? Please review the specs and rules below:
Photo size and format:
The StreetEasy Blog header is very horizontal. The exact dimensions are 1900 x 350 pixels, which is a very wide format. Please understand your photo could be cropped to fit this size and you are giving us the right to do so by submitting. Also, we only accept high-resolution JPEGs and GIFs.
How to submit your photo:
1. Submit your photo below by clicking the button "Submit to StreetEasy."
2. Enter a title for your image and a short description of where the photo was taken (i.e., “View of Brooklyn Bridge at night from Brooklyn Bridge Park.”)
3. Include a link back to your site or social media page (i.e., Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your website, blog, etc.)
4. Include an email address where we could reach you, if needed.
4. If people are recognizable in the image, attach the model release form.
That’s it!
Please understand that we are a small team here at StreetEasy, so if any of the above elements are missing, we won’t have time to track you down to make it right, so please make sure you've covered all bases because we want to see your photo on our site!